& Resources
To read more information about the study, the steps to participate and to register, go to
The Study
Welcome to my study Virtual German!
This study investigates how successful are different strategies for learning a language (in this case German) as well as how students feel during these different activities (e.g. if they feel learning is happening, if they feel happy or frustrated, interested or bored, etc.) and how these emotions relate to their learning.
Interested in participating and enhancing your skills in German?
Watch the video above and look through the website to find out more how to join the forces!
Read some of the emergent quesitons and answers in the FAQ.
Can't find an answer to your question? Send me an email!
Studies indicate that many American students are unsuccessful in learning another language and quickly give up. Language learning and teaching strategies and methods must improve in the U.S. and teachers of foreign languages must understand more deeply what different students experience in different language learning situations.
I need German learners like you to help me achieve these goals and change the ways how languages are being taught in most U.S. schools!
Why I Need Your Help
To become a part of the study you should:
Be a German learner with at least two semesters of college German or two years of high school German completed;
Not be currently enrolled in any German course;
Want to engage in some German activities of different kinds for at least 10 hours in the period of 2 weeks and fill out some surveys as well as take a German test.
Who Can Participate
What To Expect
The most key points of the study:
It will take two weeks, between July and August
You are expected to engage in different activities in German for at least 10 hours in these two weeks (this does not include the German tests and the IDQ on the beginning of the study).
One you sign up for the study, take the IDQ and the German Test you will receive a payment of $10.
If you complete at least 10 hours of activities and at all required tests and questionnaires, you will receive $20 more as well as will be entered for a drawing of a Kindle reader.